The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) provides an objective assessment of the reading comprehension attainment of Grade Four primary school students in countries worldwide. Organized by The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), PIRLS assesses primary school students’ reading attainment, reading behaviour and attitudes towards literacy in 60 countries and within-state regions globally.
Our research team of the Centre for The Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research of the University of Hong Kong (CACLER, HKU) was commissioned by the Education Bureau of the Government of Hong Kong SAR to participate in implementing the PIRLS research in Hong Kong. The PIRLS 2021 survey presents objective evidence of Hong Kong primary school students’ reading ability and how this compares against that of students of the same age around the world. It also enables educationists, schools and the general public to monitor the reading ability of Hong Kong primary school students over the years and to evaluate the impact of factors that have influenced performance.
Funding source:Education Commission and Planning Division of Education Bureau
Principal Investigator:Lam, Wai Ip
Invertigators:Tse, Shek Kam, Cheong, Choo Mui
Project reference: EDB(RTD)1/280/1410/17