Differential influences of affective factors and contextual factors on high-proficiency readers and low-proficiency readers: a multilevel analysis of PIRLS data from Hong Kong
Tse, Shek Kam; Xiao, Xiao-yun
[類別 Type] 學術期刊論文  Journal Article Large-scale Assessments in Education, Volume 2, Article number: 6 [撮要 Abstract] This study examined the impact of the reading-related affective factors home environment and school environment on predicting the likelihood of students being either high-proficiency or low-proficiency readers. Data from 3,875 Hong Kong SAR Grade 4 students participating in an international comparative assessment were analyzed. [數位物件識別碼 DOI] https://doi.org/10.1186/s40536-014-0006-3 © 2014 Tse and Xiao; licensee Springer.
Students’ test performance n PIRLS, attitude to reading, and reading self‐concept across three ability groups: Data from Hong Kong
Tse, S. K.; Lam, Joseph W. I.; Lam, Y. Raymond; Loh, Elizabeth K. Y.; Westwood, Peter S.
[類別 Type] 學術期刊論文  Journal Article Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, Volume 10, 2005, Issue 1, pp.9-18 [撮要 Abstract] This study uses data collected from children in Hong Kong for the PIRLS international reading survey of 2001. A total of 4867 students aged 9 to 10 years from 147 primary schools were assessed. The aim of the study is to investigate the observed differences in comprehension skills displayed in the test results from students at three ability levels. Affective factors (attitudes...