Differential influences of affective factors and contextual factors on high-proficiency readers and low-proficiency readers: a multilevel analysis of PIRLS data from Hong Kong
Tse, Shek Kam; Xiao, Xiao-yun
[類別 Type] 學術期刊論文  Journal Article Large-scale Assessments in Education, Volume 2, Article number: 6 [撮要 Abstract] This study examined the impact of the reading-related affective factors home environment and school environment on predicting the likelihood of students being either high-proficiency or low-proficiency readers. Data from 3,875 Hong Kong SAR Grade 4 students participating in an international comparative assessment were analyzed. [數位物件識別碼 DOI] https://doi.org/10.1186/s40536-014-0006-3 © 2014 Tse and Xiao; licensee Springer.